Sunday, October 12, 2008

Burn in Hell...

I had this urge to listen the song Awesome God by Chris Tomlin, so I shot over to to listen to it. I do this often with a variety of songs and I always like to read the comments at the bottom of the page. They are often funny because most of them do not make sense but there was no laughing as I read a comment left by a Christian to telling an Atheist to burn in hell.

It is really sad, that some people think that they have the authority to say that. God really is the only person who has the right to say that and yet the combination of the words "burn in hell" are not found in the Bible.

Funny, huh?

Maybe that is because we are supposed to LOVE OUR ENEMIES AND PRAY FOR THEM! Who are you reaching with hate? Who are you saving with your anger? Brothers and Sisters in Christ I urge you to compassionate with those who are love by Christ! Just to fill you in that is everybody.

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