Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Have you ever met a complete stranger who has such in site into your life that it is shocking. It just makes you wonder how someone could know your hopes, dreams or fears if they have no prior knowledge of you.

In John chapter four, Jesus encounters a woman whom has never met Jesus. After a lengthy discussion about water (go there yourself, read your BIBLE!) Jesus gives her an account of her life. The women, over joyed by meeting someone who sees past her past, runs and tells everyone about her new friend. In this process Jesus heals her from the most common disease that plagues the human race.




The other day I met a man most of you probably met as well. Another ordinary radical from a far off land. His name was Kumar. Kumar is a pastor in the underground church in India and has come to Pittsburgh to get a degree in divinity. I had the honor of talking with him and what he said shocked me.

One of the first questions he asked me was "if I had many friends?"

It caught me off guard because that is not a normal question people ask. I kinda of shrugged it off and answered by making a joke, something I always do to change the subject. He let it go and we continued talking but it has been bothering me since.

Could Jesus have intervened in that conversation?

I struggle with loneliness. I know I do not have many good friends and I refuse to open up with people. When it comes to it if you ask me if I am okay I will lie to your face, crack a joke and say I am tired.

I cannot continue to do this anymore. I need to be more vulnerable with you guys.

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