Friday, January 16, 2009

Fire and brimstone...

In my persuasion and propaganda class, my instructor likes to show us how different organizations use persuasion tactics to sell their product. Today he started talking about how the church used fear as one of their tactics to "sell Jesus."

"If you voted for Obama or you will go to hell."

"If you eat meat on Friday's you will be subject to God's wrath."

"If you support homosexuals, then you are evil."

The worst part of these statements are the fact that they are not ambiguous. These statements are not his own but rather statements from other church officials. The author of these statements meant what they said and that is that.

My professor went on to say the Protestant church (he had been picking on the Catholics for awhile to this point and noticed that some students where getting uneasy) had ruled with "fire and brimstone."

Where is the love?

Have we fallen so far from his Grace that people cannot see the counterfeits of our faith?

As I have mentioned before this class takes on a project that is supposed to persuade our school to do something. Right now some of my class mates are throwing out ideas but I am sitting still, waiting for my turn. One idea was to start a "reading movement" across our campus but I think we can do something bigger. As noble of a cause that is, I think we can do something bigger.

Everyone on our campus can read, that is why we go to college but nearly a billion people world wide entered the 21st century not able to read. Poverty is at its highest and we expire to get people to read a book? People are dying in our own backyards but the best my class can offer is to help those who are not in need? Do we not have the decency to think of those who truly need our help or will we smother those same needy people with our greed as our forefathers did?

I think not and I promise you that before this semester is over my class will see fire! No, not the flaming glow of hell but the flaming chariots of God! I will present my Savior to them in all his glory. They will see why I believe in who I believe and hopeful they will pick up their cross and follow Him, not me.

I am truly excited to be able to share my faith in action, rather than word!


Zachary Levickas said...

dooo it! show them your faith by what you do. your gonna change lives man . i know it.

Rodger said...

I stumbled upon your blog and read this. That's awesome man. The world needs more authentic Christians willing to be the change this world needs.

Just wanted to offer a stranger's encouragement haha. Right on!