Tuesday, September 16, 2008

God Bless America?

God bless America, really?

You know sometimes the moral majority, I use that term lightly, thinks that the United States is always within God's plan. Or maybe our rulers believe that since our country was founded under the grace of God (and even back then we still were not in God's plan completely...remember slavery? Just one of many huge errors our country made in the name of God...) that what ever they decide to do is within God's will. All together more likely in my mind is that our countries leaders use God as a advertisement to sell their product.

By the grace of God and our military you will be safe from terrorist! And if you do not support the war then your a commie and an atheist!

Give me a break! Just because someone says God approves of something does not mean God actually does (that is actually a characteristic of the Antichrist rev. 13:1).

Why are we so blind? We follow the crowd going down the wrong path, proclaiming and preaching the gospel of the Suburban Jesus! Just because America supports something does not mean we, as Christians have too!

If you add, "God bless America" to your prayers I urge you to say something else. God bless the World. There are Christians all around the world who need your prayers and there are non-believers who need your prayers all the more.

Instead of following the "moral majority" down the path to the Jesus of Suburbia lets follow someone else.


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