Monday, October 6, 2008

Ordinary Radical...

I was invited to a protest the other day and I opted not to go. The main reason why is because I do not like protest. Personally I believe protest do not get much done, all that time you spend making a scene could be spent making a difference. Of course some protest are okay. I am not putting down the likes of Martin Luther King Jr. or Rosa Parks but I believe some people just protest to be seen.

Protesting at its core is a great thing but when it comes down to it, it does not get much done. I mean you can have an upward of 10,000 people at a rally but what gets done? Nothing really, a lot of people jump up and down while some one speaks getting the crowd hyped. You can raise a few eye brows, maybe turn a few hearts but could not all the people in the crowd get together and do something? If 10,000 people helped to rebuild parts of the ghetto, would that not leave an impact?

When it comes down to it, I think we like the romantic side of being an activist. I have had dreams of marching down Birmingham holding hands with a person of different race but not caring because I know we are all one. Marching onward even though I was getting sprayed with the fire hose and the police let the dogs go. That would be exciting!

Some people think everyday life has to be boring and not radical. That you are suppose to conform to the norms of the world unless you are with others that share your same views. Who are changing if you demonstrate your views with people who believe the same exact thing as you? Everyday life is radical and I am writing this today to tell you that I will be a protester, demonstrator and activist everyday.

No, I will not be caring picket signs or wearing shirts that say what is on my mind. Simply I will demonstrate love to one person at a time, slowly taking over the world as an ordinary radical.

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