Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sin and sinnners...

I just got done watching the movie "Expelled" with Ben Stein and in it he exposes a startling secret in science. Instead of explaining the entire movie I thought it would be easier to show a trailer so take a look.

So while Ben is traveling the country interviewing scientist who truly believe in Evolution and Darwin Theory I could not help but notice that they all seemed angry with God. I know it sounds odd because they do not believe in God so maybe they where angry with the concept of God. Whatever the case may be, almost all of these Scientist admitted to believing in God at a point in there lives but stop believing after several advents in their lives. One of these scientist has made it his goal in life to eliminate the idea of God.

They are all so angry and I cannot help but think we are to blame for it. Are we not his stewards? Are we not to shepard his sheep until he returns? Is it possible that we have caused this bitterness in these incredible smart people?

Yes! Maybe not in all cases but in some for sure. I think as a body we tend to focus on sin to much. Jesus did not focus on sin but rather the sinner. When a prostitute came for healing he did not send her away until she was "clean." What would be the purpose of that?

Jesus wants us to come to him dirty in our sin so he can heal us. In the same way we should not send away those who sin from our presence. Rather we need to love them like Christ would.

We need to focus on the sinner rather than the sin. For example, what good would it do to out law abortion if we do not change the heart of sinner. We stopped the sin but we did not help the sinner.

I know it may sound crazy but I am just trying to be like Jesus...

1 comment:

Эндий said...

you shoulda brought this movie over lol it looks fantastic. and yeah. stupid wrestling in middle school gave you 3 more seconds. NOT FAIR.