Saturday, May 17, 2008

I Will Take the Usual

Every Tuesday and Wednesday I get together with a relatively large group of people. Tuesday is my small group day, where a group of about 15-20 of my friends get together and study the bible. On Wednesdays my church's youth ministry holds an after school program called Chill and on average we have 20-40 youth there. At the end of each of these nights we take prayer request from each other. It is just a good way to build relationships with each other. Think about, not only are we sharing are prayers but we are sharing are concerns, are joys, are downfalls, are pain and so and so forth.

The whole idea behind sharing prayer request, in my mind, is first to have everyone hear what is going on in each others lives. Second, God promises us that where ever a group of two or more are gathered are voices will be heard. Third, when you go home and have your own prayer time, you should try to keep those prayer request in mind.

In those two groups I pray for the same things every darn week. It has gotten to the point that I just ask for the usual and side dish of whatever else is going on in my life.

The usual is...

Help for a married couple who is having trouble having a baby...

All my friends (two by name) who do not know Christ...

DENNYS...Everything about it. That I can be a better witness to the people there. That it could be more enjoyable or at least bearable. That I could have more patients there...


Two of my friends who are Christians but are struggling with depression...

and that I could build a stronger and more passionate relationship with Jesus.

I know some of you are going to read this and realize that you are one of people I am praying for week after week. You might say, "Why has it not happened yet? Why do you have to pray week after week after week?"

I honestly do not know but I can speculate. God is in the driver seat and he has a plan for everyone and everything. It might not be in his time for something to happen yet or it could not be in his plan at all. The prayer request might just be in "my plan" or "your plan" but not in HIS PLAN. Although if you seek him with all your heart he will never leave you in need.

If you want to be apart of the usual just let me know.

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