Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Zeitgeist (Part One)

If you did not read my Introduction to this then please read this.

Zeitgeist is truly one thing, propaganda. Look at how it was made. The movie is made to mess with your emotions. The intro to part one shows wars, starving people, cruelty and the 9-11 attacks. Those scenes can get people angry and make them ask the question, "Why did this happen? Why are there so many tragedies?" Then Zeitgeist proposes an answer...there is no God. It kind of makes you think about it. Although Zeitgeist does not deliver their answer to me.

This movie is brilliantly made for its purpose; to get people to doubt God's existence. What makes it even better is how hard it is to prove wrong. You see Zeitgeist uses two main fields of study to disprove Christianity. The first is Egyptology and the second is Astronomy. As you my have guessed Egyptology is the study of ancient Egypt and Astronomy is the study of the stars, galaxy and space. I do not know about you but I am not an Egyptologist or an Astronomer. The information they unveil is not common knowledge. So we are left to check there sources but yet the articles they use are not found in your average library.

This is crucial to the game Zeitgeist is playing. If you cannot look it up then you are just left to believe what they are saying. The average person does not have the time and the money to get these books. Zeitgeist is banking on you getting discouraged with trying to prove their movie wrong. They know the majority of the people will not try to disprove and those who try probably cannot.

Zeitgeist is riddled with inaccuracies and half-truths. To display my argument I will be taking parts of the interactive transcript and pointing out its fallacy. If you would like you can get your own interactive transcript so you can see the sentence in context to ensure I am not taking the authors work out of context.

Paragraph 1, Sentence 5- "These realities made the sun the most adored object of all time."

The reference that Zeitgeist provides for this "fact" has nothing to do with statement. So that leads me to wonder why did they make this statement if it cannot be proven. It sets the stage for what is to come.

P1, S7:8- "The tracking of the stars allowed them to recognize and anticipate events which occurred over long periods of time, such as eclipses and full moons. They in turn catalogued celestial groups into what we know today as constellations."

This sentence leads one to believe that ancient civilizations have been tracking star patterns some 10,000 years ago (Sentence 1) because of it contextual implications. Yet there is no archaeological proof supporting Zeitgeist claim until 1300 BC.

P2, S1- "This is the cross of the Zodiac, one of the oldest conceptual images in human history."

The "cross" that Zeitgeist refers to is also known as a "Crux" or "Southern Cross" constellation. The earliest known Zodiac record dates back to 5th century BC but the "cross" of the Zodiac, "Crux" or "Southern Cross" constellations where not named until the 16th century BC. That dates the "cross" of Zodiac way past the life and death of Christ and therefore has nothing to do with his life.

P3, S2 Part 1- "The sun, with its life-giving and -saving qualities was personified as a representative of the unseen creator or god..."

The reference Zeitgeist lists to support this claim, The Book of the Sun by De Sole, does not support their claim. There is bibliographical evidence to support this claim.

P3, S2 Part 2- "...God's Sun [implication: God's Son], the light of the world, the savior of human kind."

This part of video starts to compare the sun to Jesus. The basis of this part of video is that the "myth of Jesus" arose from the sun because of astrological events the sun does throughout the year. Zeitgeist goes as far to say because ancient civilizations believed that God was the sun that eventual, through time the sentence was shorten to God's Sun. From that we get God's Son, Jesus. It is a well thought out hypothesis but there is one problem, the bible was not written in English. It was written in Hebrew and Greek. Just because the two words Sun and Son sound the same in English does not mean they sound the same in a different language. That parallel is just absurd.

I am going to conclude for the day. My next post will be solely addressing the ancient gods that Zeitgeist uses to parallel to Jesus. Until then, God bless!


Anonymous said...

Are you trying to say that people never worshipped the sun????
absolutely ludicrous.
And do you understand arabic, no!
if you had any knowledge of it you would know that there are actually letters, called "sun" letters.

the Deuce said...

I did not say that people do not worship the sun...I am just saying we have no proof of people until said time...unlike what Zeitgeist said...

Yes there are letters called sun letters and there are moon letters, but that does not make the claim Zeitgeist is trying to make...

And reguardless if the Arabic langauge uses a series of letters or just one to make a word it does not mean that the word sun and son sound the same in the Arabic langage. The study of lingustics would laugh at that notion...

if you have any other questions just feel free to ask...I am praying for you...Grace and Peace

Anonymous said...

zeitgeist is possibly the dumbest movie ever.