Have you ever felt like God is a slot machine or maybe that just your prayer life is like playing a slot machine? You know you need something in your life so you pray and cross your fingers for "7-7-7." Maybe sometimes you are not getting what you pray for so it is just better to walk away. On the other hand your life may be going pretty good so you keep on praying for the "Jackpot."
I know I have. At points in my life my relationship with God was as such. I would be so hurting and I would pray a quick prayer for forgiveness and pull that lever. When I did not get what I wanted I thought it was because of my sin and I would try not too. It was kinda of like putting more quarters in the machine, the payoff would be bigger if I was doing good things, right? That logic failed me and I thought it be just better to cut my loses and walk away.
Although I knew there was more to it. I knew God had to be real because of how he had effected my life. When I first excepted him in my life I felt healing and relief but what was different?
After time thinking about it I realized it was my prayer life. I was playing the slot machine god. There was no relationship involved, just me pulling the lever. The Christian prayer life is so important because it is how we connect with God, along with worship.
My life is built on a relationship not on a game...
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