Thursday, December 25, 2008
What I got for Christmas...
Redeeming grace and love from my Savior! On the first Christmas we all got Immanuel, God with us! Christ came so he could be with us, so we could be with him for eternity! Selah, weigh my sins for my Christ has come to pay my debt! I got a best friend who knows me inside-out because he was there when I knit me together in my mother's womb.
Please do not forget your gift of the spotless lamb today, tomarrow or anyday.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Facing fears,,,
Freaking hospitable! I hate them. They are disgusting and germy. When I have to go to one (usually to visit someone because I rather die then be in one) I refuse to touch things. I make people nervous because I will not sit down in a chair because that is just disgusting. When I walk down the halls I strategically walk in the center to avoid touching anything. Although if I am going to honest about it, the reason why I hate hospitable is because I spent to much time in them.
If you do not know my Mom died when I was 14 of lung cancer. She was sick for a good two years and during that time she was in and out of the hospitable. I used to visit her in them all the time and it was so hard. That was not my Mom in the hospitable bed, connected to the wall by an IV. My Mom was an active women. She was the PTA President, boyscout committee member, my baseball teams team mom, and these are just my activities she was active in.
My Mom died in a hospitable and since then I have only gone back three times. The first was for my friend Heather. She was having some internal problems but I really cannot remember what to be honest. That was super hard because she was in the same wing that my Mom died in. The second time was for Sammy after her surgery. That was hard because I was making her mom nervous because I was standing, she tried to get me sit. Needless to say I did not sit down. Today was the third time. I went to a nursing home to pass out presents and Christmas Carroll.
It was not to bad, besides almost passing out while singing Come All Ye Faithful. I was there for Jesus and that helped a lot. Visiting people in hospitable is going to be a big part of my career so I better get used to it. Besides what do I got fear if Jesus is my Lord?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Monetary Love...
Sometimes we followers base are love on what we can get out of it. We love someone but not as much as the next because he or she did this. Our love can be based on gain and that is just wrong. Just think of the metaphors we use to talk about relationships.
We value people...
Value is a monetary term and we value what they can do.
Love is a nutrient...
Nutrients are a necessity to life and so is love but do we only love people to fill our own needs?
We invest in people...
Invest is another monetary term. Why do you invest in something unless you expect a return?
My friends family treats her like dirt but she still loves them. Her mother is alcoholic and is addicted to amphetamines. She told me that her mothers love is based on this "monetary love." If she is willing to get her mother alcohol or speed, she is loved. When she does not do these things for her mother, she is rejected and out casted.
We need to start loving like my friend and ultimately like Jesus. No more love, just agape...
Friday, December 19, 2008
On days like today...
"The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." (Zephaniah 3:17)
It is so hard to separate the noise of the world from the voice of God sometimes. Sometimes I want the voice of the world to be the voice of God, while other times I want the voice of God to be the voice of the world. Then sometimes one is just so loud I cannot hear the other, today was one of those days.
You will never succeed...
You will always be alone...
You have nothing to offer...
God does not love you...
I just have to remind myself this world has nothing for me. The advise, the criticism and the love are void and empty. I know it is cliche and impossible to say I am not going to listen to the world anymore but I am going to try. I am sick of depression, pain and loneliness. God loves me and that is all I need tonight...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
What I should of taught tonight at ABS...
Mathew 1:18-25
"This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.
But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."
All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"-which means, "God with us."
When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus."
Since the Christmas season is upon us, I think we really should look at who Jesus is and why he is here. Above is an account of the birth of Christ according to Mathew. Now what is interesting or most misunderstood about this verse is the use of Immanuel in it. The Angel told Joseph to the name his Child Jesus, so most people assume that Jesus and Immanuel are interchangeable but that is not the case.
Jesus is the Greek name for Joseph, which literally translates into Yawhay saves. The name of our saviour is Yawhay saves, pretty cool but wait. Immanuel is a title, sort of like Messiah, that means God with us. What I find fascinating with this is what happens if you put the two phases together.
Yahwhay saves when he is with us.
Think about it, when are we saved? When we confess of our sins, accept Christ and then we receive the Holy Spirit, God with us.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I replied by saying, "No, I do not believe in hate. Only love can change people so why bother hating people?"
She replied with, "Awe, you are little Gandhi."
What about Jesus?
I did not know how to take her compliment. Gandhi was a great man but all his work was done in vain. His message was good but it was not 100% correct. It lacked the creator of love, Jesus! I mean Jesus is love. "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
I have new goal for while I am at work, to show people the love of Christ. Not the love of Gandhi...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
It's Friday...
It’s Friday and I am scared and doubting.
Things are becoming very real for me in my life. I have one more semester at WCCC before I go off to real college and start to prepare for my life in ministry. I thought that this time of filling out applications and writing essays would be exciting but it has not been. To get into college and you have to sell yourself to the school, why should they pick you over the next guy. Personally I have trouble seeing why any school would want me. My GPA would make a mediocre batting average, my SAT scores would be an excellent credit report and the only thing I have going for me is extracurricular activities but that just shows I should spend more time studying.
It’s Friday and I am scared and doubting.
My recent doubts are not with God, they are with me. From the very start of my decision to follow this call to ministry has been rough. My father has not supported it, I have not strived to live it and now I doubt my actual call.
It’s Friday and I am scared and doubting.
I know God can work miracles through the small and weak. Gideon, David and Saul are all evidence of His ability to do so but I am same as them?
It’s Friday and I am scared and doubting.
I do not know if I am same as those guys but I do know God has not changed. If he wants me to be a pastor he will open the doors for me to do so. The more I have been praying about this I realize that my doubts are driven by fear of failure. By doubting myself I doubt God because he will provide the provisions necessary for me to succeed. Without God who am I? Just dirt (read Genesis if you did not get that one).
It’s Friday but Sunday’s coming!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
One of my new favourite bands...
Check out this song by one of my new favourite bands, The Glorious Unseen. Their music is just raw praise and worship. It is beautifully honest praise.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Slot machine god...

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Persuasion and Propaganda
"I am glad you are here because we need to get you into my Persuasion and Propaganda class."
Prior to this I did not plan on taking the class, I just was going to take another literature class. He asked me about and I pretty much just blew it off. He tracked me down. I do not know how but he made sure he was there to schedule me.
"Look, I need you in my class."
I gave speech on poverty that I thought was pretty good. The majority of class thought so as well and one girl told me it was the best persuasive speech she had ever heard. Apparently Mr. Culbya did as well because of that speech he wants me in this class.
"I can see it now, WCCC getting active against poverty."
The class takes a project and tries to persuade our school to get involved in it. Last year it was the organization "Nothing but Nets." This year he wants me to spearhead a project that will help people in poverty. I do not know what we will be doing but I do know I want to make a differnce. I want to make a difference in to those who need help and those who are doing the helping. It is an all to common belief that poverty is Asian, African, South American and Mexican problem but its not. Poverty is our problem.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
That hurt...
One of the hits linked my to "" If you are unfamiliar with this website check it out because most of the times I find it hilarious. It is run by the same people who do wikipedia and is much like it. People write articles on a topic and they are published online but with uncyclopedia you are supposed to get it wrong (opposed to wikipedia, which is usually wrong). It is supposed to be funny but this one kinda hurt.
I will admit, it had me laughing at first. The article was on Christianity in general and the first line read, "Christianity is a form of fire insurance." That is just funny and do not worry, just think about it and you will laugh. I continued on reading and there was a section on quotes and all but one were made up, ridiculous quotes. The quote that was not made up was "Preach the gospel everywhere you go, use words if necessary."
I find the quote powerful and at the heart of what Jesus wants us to do but the author of the article disagrees. After the quote he wrote, "What the hell? That's an actually quote!" Obviously he was thinking that you cannot preach without speaking but the is not what old Francis meant. St. Francis meant that our actions should do our preaching, that we do not need words to reach people.
It did not hurt that this person made fun of Christianity, like I said I found the majority of the article amusing. What hurt is somewhere along the line someone missed a chance to preach the Gospel to this person without speaking, I just hope it was not me.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Small Things
The Irresistible Revolution is quite possibly the third greatest writing that influences my own personal theology. The second and very close to the Irresistible Revolution is Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell and of course, far ahead of both these great works is the Bible. What I love about Shane Claiborne’s vision community is how it is not new all. There are a lot of people who claim that Shane has revolutionary ideas about Christianity but if he would hear you say that he would simply say that he has been inspired by the church demonstrated in Acts.
In the video above, Shane is reading from his book. He starts out with quote from Mother Theresa that has just infected my soul of late. “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” It really makes me think about why we do things.
A lot of us like the feeling of giving. How giving to the poor makes us feel better about ourselves but we never really understand the problem, nor do we want to. I have noticed a trend in popular Christian churches. We like to do big mission trips in the summer. We might travel half the way across the world to China or Africa or Calcutta and when we return something amazing happens. World poverty ceases to exist or at least in our minds.
I am not minimizing the good things that happen on these big mission trips but when we just do the big things, who did we do it for? You see it is so easy to detach ourselves from the needy by going far away to help people. What are chances of you seeing those people ever again? It makes it very easy for the needy not to expect things from you. Then you will not have to worry about letting them down.
I want to suggest a new way or should I say an old way to serve. I live in a county that has 380,000 residents in it and our poverty rate is at 8.8%. We need to reach these people, you and I have to reach these people because who else will. The popular church of America likes to go to attractive places to serve people. Westmoreland County is probably not on any churches agenda to be served, so let us put on ours.
When we focus on these big mission trips as our way to serve we miss the heart of the Gospel. The good news is for all. We need to focus on small mission trips. Mission trips that occur on our way to work, in the halls of our schools and in our own community because “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.”
Sunday, November 30, 2008
How much do you fight...
So I am reading Genesis 32 and I get to the part where Jacob wrestles with God. I insert myself for Jacob and just continue reading.
"That night Zaq got up and took his two wives (You go Deuce!), his two maidservants and his eleven sons and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. After he had sent them across the stream, he sent over all his possessions. So Zaq was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Zaq's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man said, "Let me go, for it is daybreak."
But Zaq replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me." (Genesis 32:22-26 the Zaq Phillips Revised Version)
I find many things interesting with this passage. First off it makes me think of how much effort that it would take to wrestle with God. I am just throwing it out there but I would be willing to bet God is pretty buff. How could this man, how could I wrestle with God for so long?
The next thing I see is that God "touched" Jacobs hip and it was wrenched. This makes me think that maybe the struggle God was having with Jacob was not physical. Sure it ended up in a physical format but if God "touched" Jacob and it wrenched or dislocated Jacobs hip, could he not overpower him?
Now I am thinking about it. I know if I was to go head to toe with the creator of the universe I would loose. Personally I do not like to fight but if this struggle was more than physical I could last awhile. In fact I do it all the time. I feel a calling in my life and I put it off or do not do it at all. In fact I read this passage more than two weeks ago. I am in Exodus 18 now!
Which brings me back to my first point. How much effort does it take to struggle with God?
A lot, I am exhausted...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sin and sinnners...
I just got done watching the movie "Expelled" with Ben Stein and in it he exposes a startling secret in science. Instead of explaining the entire movie I thought it would be easier to show a trailer so take a look.
So while Ben is traveling the country interviewing scientist who truly believe in Evolution and Darwin Theory I could not help but notice that they all seemed angry with God. I know it sounds odd because they do not believe in God so maybe they where angry with the concept of God. Whatever the case may be, almost all of these Scientist admitted to believing in God at a point in there lives but stop believing after several advents in their lives. One of these scientist has made it his goal in life to eliminate the idea of God.
They are all so angry and I cannot help but think we are to blame for it. Are we not his stewards? Are we not to shepard his sheep until he returns? Is it possible that we have caused this bitterness in these incredible smart people?
Yes! Maybe not in all cases but in some for sure. I think as a body we tend to focus on sin to much. Jesus did not focus on sin but rather the sinner. When a prostitute came for healing he did not send her away until she was "clean." What would be the purpose of that?
Jesus wants us to come to him dirty in our sin so he can heal us. In the same way we should not send away those who sin from our presence. Rather we need to love them like Christ would.
We need to focus on the sinner rather than the sin. For example, what good would it do to out law abortion if we do not change the heart of sinner. We stopped the sin but we did not help the sinner.
I know it may sound crazy but I am just trying to be like Jesus...
What I want...
As someone who gets to interact with them on a weekly basis, there is nothing more than I want to take their pain and bare it. I would love to lift their burdens off their shoulders and just take it. It kills me to see people in pain, I do not know why but it just kills me. Often my own pain, suffering and sorrow gets put on the back burner because I am so consumed with trying to do something that only Jesus can do.
It is not healthy. My prayer life suffers because of it. Then my life suffers because I am not having an intimate relationship with Christ. Then you all suffer because I am moody (it is okay to laugh at that).
I do not want that. What I do want is to go back to ASP or well the way I lived at ASP. ASP is always tough. You work on projects that seem imposable to overcome, you are exhausted and you just know Thursday is going to suck. Yet you rely on your manna, that constant supply of Jesus to get you through.
I want to live desperately for Jesus, just like he lived for me...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
And I am so lonely.
I just want to have joy again. Joy that used to be so abundant in my life. Joy that came with being around those who cared for me and those who I cared about. Joy that came with following the forth commandment, the sabbath.
I am being robbed of my life by my own ambition and I am tired of it. I am going to listen to God and start taking a day easy, just to relax and worship. I want to invite you to join me because well I am lonely. Just let me know...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The Antichrist...
...rise to power with world wide euphoria.
...have great charisma, speaking ability and a plan to stabilize the economy.
...temporally save the world from military, economic and political problems.
I get the impression that a lot of people think that the results of election prove that a certain political figure is the Antichrist. Although I think these claims are absurd what really worries me is the concern and worry of those people. If you read my last blog, you know I am not worried but I am going some where different with this.
Some of the Characteristics of the Antichrist match those of Obama but there are plenty that do not match him. Let me make this clear, I do not believe Obama is the Antichrist. Personally from my own study I believe that claim is absurd but what if he was? Is there really need for concern? Alarm? Panic?
No! Since you know so much about the Antichrist that you can say he is Obama, then tell me what happens after his seven years of power on earth?
Jesus comes back for us and takes us to Heaven! There he will wipe away are every tear and personally I cannot wait for that. For the sake of Humanity, I hope I am wrong and he is the Antichrist because I got nothing to fear. Do you?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Obama is the President...Jesus is Lord
I have been listening to my Family, friends and WORD FM explain how Obama is going to ruin are Christian society. How he is going to buck the way we live our moral lives with his liberal views. I had one friend tell me how he is going to start a civilian police force, like Hitlers S.S. Yet as I hear all this fear from the people I know the most and those at WORD FM, I cannot help but think, who is their Lord?
Do you really believe that Obama is such a threat to our way of life that God will not be able to deliver us? Need I remind you that our God is the same God who delivered our ancestors out of Egypt under the oppression of Pharaoh? Need I remind you that our God is the same God who gave the Midianites into the hands of Gideon? Need I remind you that our God is the same God who defeated Goliath with a scrawny sheep herder named David? Need I remind your our God is the same God who hung on a cross, died and rose three days later so we need not to live in fear but rather in Him!
We forget that Jesus is in control of our world not matter who is in the White House. For the next four years and forever lets not forgot that. Instead let us take this as a challenge to "Fight for the Heart of Our King," as a good friend of mine would put it. Obama obviously does not have the Christian ideals some of us would like him to have (as far as I am concerned neither did McCain). Yet I remember of a man who did not have the ideals of Christ when I was first introduced to him. In fact he would rip Christians from their homes and execute them on the spot but he went on to be a great church leader. If you are wondering who I am talking about open your Bible to the book of Acts and start reading.
So if you have not figured it out, I am not to worried about this past election. Call me a determinist but I believe Jesus in control.
Monday, October 27, 2008
I have been putting off this blog...
I love you all and I am not writing this to make you feel bad but rather to let you know I have found what God thinks of me and you. First let me say it again, I love you all and I forgive you for all you have done, please do not feel bad about the past.
" redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons. Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father." So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir."
(Galatians 4:5-7)
God does not have to call us his children but he chooses to. His love for us is just that pure and great that he wants us to be his children.
"The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." (Zephaniah 3:17)
Read that again. God takes great delight in me, he will quiet or comfort me with his love and he will sing about me! I am honestly dumb founded how God could sing a song of praise about me. Along with being dumb founded I am relieved because God still loves me. I do not know what I was expecting to find today but I did find my heart. A love for God that I have not felt for a long, long time.
" 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' " (Jeremiah 29:11)
What else could I ask for?
Monday, October 20, 2008
I have been thinking...
Jesus said that two commandments where the greatest.
He said to, " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' "
If we are unwilling to, Love the Lord our with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind, then we need to start there. We need to spend more intimate time with God and really come to peace with him. No more motions, just a pure relationship with our God, Jesus.
Once we accomplish that pure relationship with Christ then we need to, love our neighbor as our self. We need to get active in the lives of those who our Society, Government and Friends have forgotten. No more excuses, just love for our fellow man.
If we do those two things then the other will come.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Burn in Hell...
It is really sad, that some people think that they have the authority to say that. God really is the only person who has the right to say that and yet the combination of the words "burn in hell" are not found in the Bible.
Funny, huh?
Maybe that is because we are supposed to LOVE OUR ENEMIES AND PRAY FOR THEM! Who are you reaching with hate? Who are you saving with your anger? Brothers and Sisters in Christ I urge you to compassionate with those who are love by Christ! Just to fill you in that is everybody.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Breaking the Mold...
I have been told I break the mold because I have long hair. Have you ever seen a picture of Jesus? Those lovely locks where made to head bang!
I have been told I break the mold because I care about the lowly. Jesus lived with the lowest of the lows, dining with prostitutes and tax collectors. Jesus lived then died on a cross in Golgotha so that all people, even the unlovely could find life in Him.
I have been told I break the mold because I interpret the bible in a "fresh new" way.
So I believe that we are obligated to help the needy and when I say help I do not mean give them a little money that you do not need. I mean give them what they need; food, clothing and shelter.
So I believe Jesus when he said "whoever believes in Him (Jesus) shall not perish but receive eternal life." Yes I believe if you believe Jesus is the Son of God and if you confess your sins you will receive eternal life. It does not matter if you are black or white, gay or straight, a killer or a saint, if you believe and confess you will be received into Heaven!
So I believe that it is okay to be a sinner. I am not saying go out and sin but rather it is okay because "all have fallen short of the glory of God." It is okay, Jesus loves you anyway!
So I believe that the Devil is as real as Jesus. A lot of people like to think Satan is this nominal force that does not matter hecause Jesus already defeated death. To an extent that is true. Satan is not a big deal, TO JESUS because he did not sin!
When it comes down to it, the statement anymore makes me sad, upset and utterly sick. If I am sticking out because I am acting like Jesus that means the majority of other Christians are not acting like him.
Here is a list of other Christian (Christianos rather but I do not want to explain that right now...) that "break the mold."
Amber Biddle
Ande Thomas
Tim from Majesty who moved to California (sorry man I do not know your last name...)
Andrew from Majesty (ya if you work or worked at Majesty your last name turns into from Majesty.)
Dan Turny (I think I spelled it wrong...)
Brendan Berkley
Eric Phillips...I do not have a link but he is starting a Church in Pittsburgh!!!
There is a lot more out there and to list you all it would take so much time...
Monday, October 6, 2008
Ordinary Radical...
Protesting at its core is a great thing but when it comes down to it, it does not get much done. I mean you can have an upward of 10,000 people at a rally but what gets done? Nothing really, a lot of people jump up and down while some one speaks getting the crowd hyped. You can raise a few eye brows, maybe turn a few hearts but could not all the people in the crowd get together and do something? If 10,000 people helped to rebuild parts of the ghetto, would that not leave an impact?
When it comes down to it, I think we like the romantic side of being an activist. I have had dreams of marching down Birmingham holding hands with a person of different race but not caring because I know we are all one. Marching onward even though I was getting sprayed with the fire hose and the police let the dogs go. That would be exciting!
Some people think everyday life has to be boring and not radical. That you are suppose to conform to the norms of the world unless you are with others that share your same views. Who are changing if you demonstrate your views with people who believe the same exact thing as you? Everyday life is radical and I am writing this today to tell you that I will be a protester, demonstrator and activist everyday.
No, I will not be caring picket signs or wearing shirts that say what is on my mind. Simply I will demonstrate love to one person at a time, slowly taking over the world as an ordinary radical.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
What I Did for Jesus Today...
Mathew 25:40
I have started giving guitar lessons to a couple of students that go to my church. One of which does not have her own guitar so I told her I would help her find a good one to get her started. We where supposed to go the other day but we were not able to because I got held up at work but today I went to Guitar Center to scout out a few possible guitars for her. Okay, I really just wanted to check out the new Gibson Humming Birds they got in (awesome by the way)!
So after completely following in love with a guitar that cost more than I make in a year...not kidding...I started to drive home a little bummed. I exited the mall parking lot and began to think about where I was going to eat lunch. Then I noticed someone in the distance holding a cardboard sign.
"Please Help...God Bless"
I pulled up to this lady and ask her what I could do. She told me how she was stranded in the area and needed to get to Erie. I told her that I was not going that way and rolled up my window and continued to drive off. My heart was heavy as I sat in my warm, safe and dry truck as it started to rain. How could I leave someone Jesus died for stranded in the rain?
The light turned green and whipped into a parking lot and went to her and asked her if I could buy her lunch. Without hesitation she said anything would do and asked if I could get something for her friend who was working the other side of the intersection. So I walked down to McDonald's and got four burgers, two Fries and two coffees for them. Walked on back and handed the food to her friend and walked back to the other women with whom I spoke.
I was ready to leave but some where between my walk to the other women, I knew lunch was not going to cut it. Jesus did say "when I was hungry you fed me" but he also said "when I was thirsty you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." These women needed so much more and no one was helping them.
When I got to the other women I told her I gave the food to her friend and then I told her I did not have any cash but I had to find an ATM because I wanted to buy them their bus tickets. So I walked around and eventually ended up and K-Mart and I bought two ponchos and used the cash back option to get them some cash. I got back to them and gave them the cash and ponchos and stood with them for awhile and found out that their names are Monica and Heather.
I did not write this to say I am better than you because I helped these people (and by the way it does not make me a better person). The thing is the USA is a Christian Nation and is populated by Christian People and in the time I was with Monica and Heather only one person besides me helped them. I saw plenty of "Jesus Fish" bumper stickers on cars driving past, avoiding eye contact with us.
And we wonder why we are called hypocrites.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Praise You In This Storm
I find the best way to cope with everyday life is to worship. It is what I was made to do, even though God blessed me with me this terrible voice (I think He thinks it is funny).
So anyway, I am at "the Park" getting slammed by the gayest checks imaginable. I mean I was getting omelets, "American Burgers" and t-bones all at once, it was relentless. Starting to get frustrated I start to sing "Praise You In This Storm" by Casting Crowns.
As we started to slow down I started to think about the storms in my life and how they affected me. The first one to come to my mind was, of course, my Mother dying.
I know the reason why my Mother died was so I could find Jesus. In my desperation to find stability in life I found my rock to base my life in Jesus. Although, that day at "the Park" I found out how far I have came.
The day my Mother died, I cannot explain to you my pain. Mind you I was 14 and I truly believed she was not going to die but she did. My world crashed that day, I did not think I was going to make it. Everyday, for a good four years was a struggle.
As I thought about her death I realized that it had been six years earlier that month. I had completely forgot about her on the day that she had died and that killed me. It still kills me, I do not know who I have become. How could I forget about her, especially on that day?
That is where I am today but...
I'll praise You in this storm
And i will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
Saturday, September 20, 2008
You wear your cross like a DAGGER!!!
My last blog was about wearing your cross like a crown but this on is about wearing your cross like a dagger.
A lot of people have done wicked things in the name of God. It is really, really sad to see these things occur. I mean just think about the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials and even the War in Iraq. No wonder the cross offends some people like the swastika offends most, but these things where done in name of God not with God in mind. Anybody can say God approves of their activity but only those who actually consult God knows if he does.
The cross is not about oppression, it is about freedom. Some Christians do not understand God gave us the choice to follow him or not to follow him. Some Christians do not understand if another person does not want to be a Christian it is their choice and their choice alone.
I am not telling you not to be an evangelist but I am telling you to watch how you spread the good news. Jesus never told anybody follow me or else, it was their choice. Christ used love and compassion for those in need, should we not do the same?
I do not want to be like other Christians...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
You wear your cross like a CROWN!!!
Have you ever noticed the crosses that we wear on necklaces? I have, they are usual made of gold, refined in fire so they are pure and smooth. Some of them have a skinny Jesus hanging on them wearing a diaper, but is this a good depiction of the real cross? NO! Although what I find more alarming is how we wear them...
Being a Christian is about the coolest thing in the world (at least to me) but some Christians take it a little too far. Maybe that is is not the greatest choice of words, maybe they live their lives in a way Jesus would not want them to, is a better way to put it. What I am getting at is they where there crosses like a crown because they are a Christian now and this some how makes them better than others.
Being a Christian is not about being better, it is about being forgiven. More importantly it is about getting into the lives of those who are not forgiven. We should not judge others because of their choice not to follow Christ, we should love them all the same.
Again I hope this blog is not made to offend anybody but to rather probe your thinking. Am I like that? That is what I want you to think because we can better the Christian body if we love more like Christ. I acted like that for years, putting down my friends because they drank and had sex. I acted as if I was better than them and most of my friends that I did that to are not saved and it could be because I acted self righteous.
As always I pray that you can find peace with God.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
God Bless America?
You know sometimes the moral majority, I use that term lightly, thinks that the United States is always within God's plan. Or maybe our rulers believe that since our country was founded under the grace of God (and even back then we still were not in God's plan completely...remember slavery? Just one of many huge errors our country made in the name of God...) that what ever they decide to do is within God's will. All together more likely in my mind is that our countries leaders use God as a advertisement to sell their product.
By the grace of God and our military you will be safe from terrorist! And if you do not support the war then your a commie and an atheist!
Give me a break! Just because someone says God approves of something does not mean God actually does (that is actually a characteristic of the Antichrist rev. 13:1).
Why are we so blind? We follow the crowd going down the wrong path, proclaiming and preaching the gospel of the Suburban Jesus! Just because America supports something does not mean we, as Christians have too!
If you add, "God bless America" to your prayers I urge you to say something else. God bless the World. There are Christians all around the world who need your prayers and there are non-believers who need your prayers all the more.
Instead of following the "moral majority" down the path to the Jesus of Suburbia lets follow someone else.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
A Phrase I do not like...
"They brought Him to the place called Golgotha (which means The Place of the Skull)."
(Matthew 15:22)
Not being a familiar with this verse my instructor quickly responded to my shirt by saying, "What kind of cult are you in?"
"The Jesus cult." I responded, "that is from the Bible. You should open one up."
"Oh I haven't in awhile, afraid I will get struck by lightning."
Like nails on a chalkboard.
So many times when I talk to people about going to church or reading the bible they respond in this manner. It is there fear talking. They do not honestly think they would be struck by lighting but I think they are afraid of being found out. I think that when people say this they are afraid of being judged by other Christians because they are not perfect. So they dismiss Christianity because they "cannot live like that. There are to many rules to follow and I would have to give up so much."
So I was just wondering if in the Bible God has ever struck any one dead with Lighting. It turns out that "lightning bolt" only appears six times in the bible and God never strikes anyone dead. In fact he never hits anyone with lightning, he only strikes the earth near people to scatter them. I got curious and wondered if my search was too narrow, so I hacked off bolt. This resulted in 40 more hits (46 in all) and still God had not struck some sinner for walking into his house.
I do not like that phrase at all because it does not represent the true God. If you are searching for him, you do not have to be perfect, you just have to seek his perfection. In his death and resurection he redeemed you.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
God's Grace is Sufficient for ME...
God's grace is sufficient for me.
I have been told this several times and I have this to people even more. It is such a fundamental principal of what I believe to be true with God. The other week a friend of mine told me how he messed up big time. He does not believe in God but he some how finds comfort in talking to me about his problems. I do not know why because I usually tell him the same thing over and over again.
Jesus loves you and he forgives you. His grace is sufficient for you.
Although, until yesterday I did not realize that God's grace was sufficient for me. I did at one point but somewhere along the way I stopped believing that. Personally I felt I had been playing the game long enough, that I had been a Christian long enough that I was above God's grace. I know it sounds crazy, I mean the name of my blog is "Amazed by Grace," but I did.
I felt I could not sin, that if I sinned I was not a "good Christian." I am not talking about intentional sinning but unintentional sin. You know sin you do subconsciously. Stubbing your two and swearing. Taking a glance at some unholy places. Thinking poorly about someone. I am not condoning this behavior but saying that somewhere along the way we will screw up and this is where I am weak.
I felt if I committed those sins, which I did, people would realize that I was imperfect, which I am. What is worse I felt that I had to deal with it by myself. I had to stop sinning and stop relying on God. I felt I was above God's grace. That I did need his grace to save me that I could do that on my own.
This is a huge step for me in my walk and I just wanted share it with you.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The Miracle of Restraint
“If I saw a talking ass Zaq, I would believe.” (I was pretty tempted to tell this person to look in a mirror…)
Now as much as some would like to say there are no miracles, I would like to disagree. There are countless miracles in our world. Plenty of people have been cured of illnesses with no medical treatment other than prayer. How about some of the survivors of 9-11 attacks on the world trade center? Several people lived for days under thousands of pounds of rubble. Let us not forget about every day miracles when families are brought back together, when people get through there depression and when people forgive others through Jesus!
Yes there are miracles! Now I know some of you are thinking, “Well that is some cool stuff but what about the big stuff? Why doesn’t God just perform some huge miracle and shut up his skeptics?”
I think one of the biggest reasons why we do not see big miracles today is because it is not broadcasted by the media. Nice stories that have a happy ending do not sale, they want tragedy and horror. Look at the Quecreek mine accident in 2002. There are mine accidents all over the US ever year but this one was different. It was declared a National Disaster. No offence to any of the nine who were trapped in the mine but there are bigger mine accidents every year that do not get attention like this. The reason why is because those other accidents have glimmers of hope. This accident looked hopeless but miraculously they were found. If you do not remember let me remind you.
The nine where trapped somewhere in the mine, the rescuers did not know where. They had an educated guess but knew the only way to get to them was to drill 240 feet into the earth. It was a race against the clock because the longer they were in the ground the better chance they would die, in addition the water in the mine was rising creating a watery tomb. 77-hours later, miraculously, the miners rose from the mine.
Did you forget about that?
Jesus had every opportunity to perform huge miracles. He could have gone to entire cities and snapped his fingers to heal all there sick, but he did not. He could have called fire and hail from the skies to make people believe, but he did not. He could have flown around like superman saying “hey look at me”, but he did not.
Why? Well that is the miracle of restraint. You see Jesus could have done anything huge to get followers (actually he was tempted too) but he did not. The reason why is because that is not the relationship he wants us to have with him. If he just did huge awesome things, would we follow him because we wanted to have a relationship with him or because he was cool? Yancey puts it best in his book, The Jesus I Never Knew.
"More amazing is his refusal to perform and to overwhelm. God's terrible insistence on human freedom is so absolute that he granted us the power to live as though he did not exist, to spit in his face, to crucify him. I believe God insists on such restraint because no pyrotechnic displays of omnipotence will achieve the response he desires. Although power can force obedience, only love can summon a response of love, which is the one thing God wants from us and the reason he created us."
God has given us every reason to believe in him. It is up to you to find him.
Call me crazy...
The biggest reason most of my friends or people I have encountered do not believe is because they believe there is not enough proof.
“Zaq, if your mighty God could just show himself to me I would believe.”
While being a follower of Christ is about having faith, I do not believe you have to have perfect faith to believe. If that was true then a handful of people would be “true Christians.” Jesus rebuked his disciples for having little faith and told them if they had “faith the size of a mustard seed” they could move mountains. I guess you could take the first twelve of the list.
What I am getting at is you do not have to have “perfect faith” to be a Christian. You can have doubts, questions and struggles and still be a Christian. There are no parameters to follow Christ, no set list of rules you have to follow to be a Christian. God has just given us guidelines for a successful and happy life and as his followers we should follow them.
Recently I have been asked, “If there was no Heaven would you still be a Christian.”
Yes. At first I made the question complicated, I over thought it. At the time I still said yes but now I believe I have a better reason. You see my life, my walk with Jesus Christ is not goal oriented. On the rare occasion when I do not give in to temptation, it is not because I am afraid of being rejected from Heaven. No not all but rather because I do not want to do that to Jesus. He died on the cross for me so I could be without sin but to consciously sin anyway would be like punching Jesus in the stomach. It is like when your best friend asks you not to do something but do it anyway, it is selfish. I am sure it has happened to you, how did you feel?
I do not want to do that to Jesus. Call me crazy (it will not be the first time…) but Jesus is my best friend and I do not want to do that to him.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Religious Radicals and Terrorist...
"It's not because he is black I don't like him, it's because he is Muslim."
Continuing with our conversation I asked my Dad if he knew anything about the Muslim culture and he responded by saying he knew that, "a group of them where radicals..."
Which is true, there is a group of Muslims who are radical. There are a group of Muslims who are terrorist and fight for what they believe in but how narrow is that view?
I asked my Dad if he thought that any Christians where radicals. He replied by saying that there where, that "Holy Rollers" and Skinheads where radicals (I agree with Skinheads but some would probably consider me a "Holy Roller" but radical is not necessarily a bad term). Then I asked him if he thought any Christians where terrorist.
I just walked away to avoid a huge confrontation. As far as I am concerned the War on Terror is terrorism. We are asking God for providence the same way the Terrorist asked Allah for providence on 9-11. What happened to loving our enemies?
We are no better than Osama him self.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
What grieves my soul...
I am not talking about high gas prices. I am not talking about the Latrobe lock out. I am not talking about minimum wage not being high enough. I am talking about world poverty.
Most of us do not know how good we have it, I do not know how good I have it. There are so many simple things I take for granted everyday like clean water, food, a home and clothes. All over the world in Africa, South Asia and down our streets people do without these basic necessities.
And I am to blame...
I am having an issue finding it but I believe somewhere in the bible Jesus says, "If you have an extra pair of clothes and someone goes naked, it is your responsibility," or something like that. I just gave away 7 garbage bags full of clothes and I am still have too many. That is ridiculous.
20% of the world has 80% of the stuff and I am apart of that 20%. It is torturing my soul as I grapple with what that means. I am responsible for the worlds poverty.
Maybe not entirely but I am doing my fair share to help. Half the world lives on less than 2 dollars a day. Right now I am typing on a machine that supersedes there entire yearly income. Right now I have earned more money in my short life than most are expected to earn in their lives.
And I am complaining because my apartment does not have a couch...
Friday, June 27, 2008
Why is there so much evil?
"If God is so good, then why is there so much evil? It does not make sense Zaq, if God is so good to his people then how could he allow events like the Holocaust to happen? Does that sound like a good God to you?"
I will be honest, until now I have not had a good answer to this question. I have always relied on "stock" Christian answers like, "God works in mysterious ways..." but now I agree with them.
No, I am not saying God is not real. I am not saying God is not good. In fact, I believe God is the infinite, never ceasing good. What I agree with is there is no evil.
You see what is wrong with my friends and so many others idea of God is that he can be measured. That science can measure God on some sort of scale but you cannot because God is infinite. God is on going and never ending, much like his goodness.
There are many things science cannot measure, one example is cold. You can measure heat but not cold. You can have little heat, lots of heat, super heat, mega-super heat and no heat, that is what cold is, lack of heat. If you were to measure heat it would start with -458 degrees (absolute zero) and never end because heat, like God, is infinite. Cold is just a word we use to describe the lack of heat. If cold was real, it would go on forever.
Another example is darkness. Darkness is not something but rather the lack of something, the lack of light. Again you can little light , lots of light, bright light and no light which we call darkness. If darkness was something it could get darker and darker.
What is wrong with my friends idea is that it is based of the principles of duality, which says there are two sides to each coin. That there is a hot and cold but we now know there just heat. That there is light and dark but we now know there is just light. That there is good and evil but as I am about to explain, there is no evil.
God is the infinite good. So what is evil but the lack of God? When God flooded the world because man was evil he found that Noah was good because he "walked with God." When I sin, I do not do it with God in mind. When someone cuts me off in traffic and I tell them they are "number 1" I do not do it because God is with me. If you are christian think about it, when do you feel the farthest from God?
I feel the farthest from God when I am in sin. When I do "evil" or when I lack God in my life. You see the Holocaust was not performed by God but rather without God. Man since the creation has been trying to rebel away from God, to take care of themselves. Since that day, we have messed everything up. It was not in God's plan for us to be without him or to be evil. It is my sincerest belief that God has done everything he could to win back our affection, he even gave up his son.
In all of his provisions, why are we so richly blessed?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Are You an Angel?
"In the midst of the most painful faces, Angels show up in the strangest places."
If you do not know my past week was spent serving a family in Bluefield WV. It was such an honor to be able to show the love of Christ to a family face to face. I have given money to charity before but honestly I have not volunteered like this many times. Do not get me wrong, if you donate money to charity that is great, I just have the ability to serve in other ways and have not been fulfilling that obligation.
I will never forget how the son of the home owner told me that, "No one has helped my mother before" and how much this meant to him.
My group had the chance to show the love of Christ to this family for the first time, what an honor but yet what a responsibility! Christ does not love as the world loves; he loves you no matter what. I thought this would be a problem because one little "slip of the tongue" could turn this family away from God.
Then I met Miss Myra and she called us her "little angels." It brought a tear to my eye because I realized what this meant to her. After that I knew that God was working through us and there would be no problems with that!
The point is I became an angel to this family. I made this families life better in a week and next week another group will do the same. Personally I need to reach out more to those who are in need of Christ's love. I am going to try to organize something in the area I live to help people out. If you have any ideas on how to help people shoot me an e-mail.
This is not a story about my week but rather a challenge to you! How will you become an angel?
Sunday, June 1, 2008
How Do You Love?
The first is eros and it is a romantic passionate love that often dealt with lovers. We get the English word erotic from eros.
The second word is philia and it is a brotherly love. The love you share with your family and close friends. I am positive you all have heard of Philadelphia, which is the city of brotherly love.
And the third word is Agape which is the unconditional love of God. It is how God loves me and you and Joe Schmo down the street. Agape is the love that allows God to have grace for a sinner like me. Agape is why I take a stand for Christ and love him back but how do I love him? A better question would be how am I supposed to love the most lovely and lovable person to ever live?
"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." Mathew 22:36-37
Jesus said we are to love God with all our heart, soul and mind but how is he saying it? Is he saying eros, philia or agape the Lord your God? It is pretty obvious that eros is not the word he uses, so is philia or agape? Are we supposed to love God like our brother or are we supposed love Him like he loves us? Is it even possible to love Him like he loves us?
The word Jesus uses here is agape, which I find to be amazing. Agape is amazing when it is used to describe the way God loves us but its hard to imagine loving like God. I do not know about you but it is easy to agape God on Sunday during worship but what about on a Wednesday? In the middle of your own monotonous week do you agape God? Do you even philia God by Friday? Or when things are going "good" in life it is easy to agape God but how about during the bad times? In the middle of drought when your are just dying for the rain, do you agape God?
I am ashamed to say it but I do not. It is my life and I have been failing at this aspect so much. By Friday I do not even philia God, he is just after thought in my life. But that is about to change because I am not afraid to agape my Saviour. I beg you to do the same and I beg you keep me conscious about it. There is not a second that goes by that Jesus does not agape me and I do not want to miss a second of agape-ing Him.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I Just Want to Go Home!
If you know me well you would probably say that nothing is ever good enough for me. My actions are never as good as they could be; I just feel as if I could be doing more Jesus. You know He died for the sins of the world but I cannot stop dropping the "F-Bomb" when I stub my toe. At times I feel my life is just so petty and meaningless.
For instance, few times a year I get the reigns to teach during a youth ministry event and several times I have blown it. I have prepared what I thought was going to be a firecracker of message that was just going to collide with the worlds of the youth. Like my message was just going to infect the lives of those youth and I end up just standing there, ever eye staring at me as if I am nuts. And I wonder...
Why am I doing this?
Has God really called me?
Can I not just get to heaven already?
At times I just feel so uncomfortable with my surroundings. Like a Jew in Berlin during the 1940's, I roam this earth trying to find my home. There is one problem though, this is not my home. I am a Jew in hostel Berlin during the 1940's but I am okay with that.
You see if I was comfortable with my surroundings then I would be of this world and not of God. If I get comfortable in this earthly tent, sin will engulf me as if someone pulled the tent poles out. Darkness will surround me and I will be stuck looking for the opening of the tent all by myself but there is another option.
Jesus has prepared a room for me in his fathers house and I long to be in it. You see, this place is not my home and I am not comfortable. Life is a path, death is a destination.
"Son, he said, grab your things, Ive come to take you home." Peter Gabriel, Solsbury Hill
Monday, May 26, 2008
Zeitgeist (Part Two)
- They use gods that have a laundry list of attributes that have changed and evolved from year to year and from myth to myth.
- They use gods whose attributes have been altered after the birth, death and resurrection of Christ.
- They stretch the truth, male false accusations and flat out lie about their "research" and "findings."
Because Zeitgeist compares several gods to Jesus I will be only discussing Horus in detail to save time.
P4, S3- "He (Horus) is the sun, anthropomorphized, and his life is a series of allegorical myths involving the sun's movement in the sky."
The earliest records of Horus state that Horus was a sun god, not the sun. To be more precise, the right eye of Horus represented the sun while the left represented the moon. Like I stated above, Horus has a large list of characteristics, that range from myth to myth, that Zeistgeist picked and chosed from to make him look more like Christ. In fact Horus has over 20 names that describe his characteristics. These names are Horus, Harmerty, Har-Si-Ese, Heru, Heru-ur, Heru-khuti, Harsiesis, Har-Wer, Osiris, Ra, Atum, Atum-Ra, Ra Herakhty, Neferhor, Nekheny, Mekhenty-er-irty, Khenty-er-irty, Har-Behedti, Ihy, Bebti, Heru-sema-tawy and many others.
p4, S5- "For instance, Horus, being the sun, or the light, had an enemy known as Set and Set was the personification of the darkness or night"
Horus was not the sun or the light he was a sun god. This is just a poor attempt to draw a parallel to Christ.
P5, S1 Part 1- "Broadly speaking, the story of Horus is as follows..."
Broadly speaking...
Broadly speaking...
Broadly speaking...
Well if you know my pastor, Pastor Dave, then you know what to do. You see he told our congregation when ever something is repeated three times, you should pay close attention. This is not an introduction to the next paragraph, rather it is a disclaimer. Zeitgeist knows what they are saying is false but are just blinded by so much hate to admit they cannot prove their story, so they fabricate a story. A story they hope you will except and follow... the very same thing they are accusing Christians of doing. To make things worse for Zeitgeist edited their movie and transcript after they realized what they said. If you request an original transcript P5, S1 will say "Boldly speaking..."
P5, S1 Part 2- "Horus was born on December 25th"
This is not an attribute of Christ. It is a tradition put in place by the Catholic church in 354 A.D. The reason why the Catholic church chose this day to celebrate the birth of Christ is because pagans celebrated the winter solstice on that day. The theory behind it was if the pagans celebrated the birth of Jesus on the 25th they could not celebrate the winter solstice and thus be forced to chose in between the two. There is no recorded date of Jesus' birth in the bible so therefore the actually date cannot be verified.
p5, S1 Part 3- "of the virgin Isis-Meri."
The impregnation of Isis is often debated by many historians because there are so many different versions. Although, when you look at the references Zeitgeist uses they say nothing about Isis being a virgin
"It is often argued that Isis was not a virgin because, in one version of the myth, she impregnated herself using the severed phallus of Osiris [the envisioned father of Horus] after he was killed and torn to pieces.... A ‘miracle conception.'"
"However, in another version of the myth, Frazer points out that Isis was impregnated with Horus: While she fluttered in the form of a hawk over the crops of her dead husband... a ‘virgin conception'"
It may be odd but it is not a virgin conception. Also if it is such a huge deal that Isis was virgin, do you not think it would have been recorded? The word virgin is not mentioned inside of the actually myth but later added by the author.
P5, S2 Part 1- "His birth (Horus) was accompanied by a star in the east..."
Later in the video, Zeitgeist will unveil that the star that announces the birth of Christ was Sirius. Although that makes no sense considering I am looking out my window right now and I have located Sirius. Was Jesus just born again? Of course not, this is just another pathetic attempt by Zeitgeist to relate the birth of Christ to astrological advents. Sirius is visible almost everyday of the year so what would draw the magi to it? It wouldn't, it was not the sign that was prophesied by the prophets.
P5, S2 Part 2- "Which in turn, three kings followed to locate and adorn the new-born savior."
Biblically speaking, there are no kings who visit Jesus just magi and the number of magi is non-specific.
P5, S3 Part 1- "At the age of 12, he was a prodigal child teacher, and at the age of 30..."
Zeitgeist sources do not reveal that, Horus was a "prodigal child teacher." The only reference, that Gerald Massey (the author of the reference Zeitgeist uses) uses, of Horus being 12 is that is when Egyptian child becomes an adult. Although Massey continues on to describe at the age of 30 is when a Egyptian becomes a real adult. From this data Zeitgeist came to the conclusion that Horus, "at the age of 12, he was a prodigal child teacher, and at the age of 30 he was baptized by a figure known as Anup..." Give me a break, another blatant lie!
P5, S3 Part 2- "...he was baptized by a figure known as Anup..."
From my personal studies I have found no such claim. Zeitgeist sources claim that Horus was pleading to the gods at the boat of Anup. Although, surprisingly the baptism of Horus by Anup is not mentioned. Another fabrication by Zeitgeist.
P5, S4- "Horus had 12 disciples he traveled about with, performing miracles such as healing the sick and walking on water."
Again my personal studies, the studies of other Zeitgeist debunkers and the studies of Zeitgeist do not reflect Horus had 12 disciples. Rather that the 12 signs of the Zodiac represent the twelve disciples, although I will go into further detail about that later in another blog.
p6, S5- "Horus was known by many gestural names such as The Truth, The Light, God's Anointed Son, The Good Shepherd, The Lamb of God, and many others."
Zeitgeist list two sources for this claim. The first is The Christ Conspiracy, by Acharya and it is listing the attributes of Osiris not Horus. The second is The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ, by Gerald Massey. In that work Massey excludes to list his own citation. Without a citation it is to be assumed to be opinion not fact because you cannot verify the claim.
P7, S5- "After being betrayed by Typhon, Horus was crucified, buried for 3 days, and thus, resurrected."
Crucifixion was a form of Roman capital punishment and is a fact that is was not developed during the supposed life of Horus. In fact, there is no crucifixion, 3 day death and resurrection scenario of any person, let alone another god, before Christ. This point will be made clearer in my next paragraph.
P8- "These attributes of Horus, whether original or not, seem to permeate in many cultures of the world, for many other gods are found to have the same general mythological structure."
Whether original or not...
Whether original or not...
Whether original or not...
You know what that means, listen up. Again Zeitgeist is warning you that they might not have been completely truthful. Zeitgeist knows if these attributes of Horus and other pre-Christain gods are added on after the life, death and resurrection of Christ it makes them, the pre-christian gods, look like the copy cat gods and that is what Zeitgeist claims Jesus to be. As far as I am concern we could close the book here. In a court of law you just have to put a shadow of doubt into jury to get your defendant acquitted but I am going on the offensive. I want you to have no doubt that Zeitgeist is just anti-christian propaganda. So I continue.
P7- Attis
This god cut off his genitals and planted them in the ground. Later an almond grew from his genitals. After the almond tree died an evergreen grew in its place. How is this related to Jesus?
(and on a completely different side note I think I made a huge discover! Is this why we call male genitals "nuts." I mean this man's genitals grew an almond tree which produces nuts and are the seeds of the almond tree! I mean I am just saying, it could be. I am sorry I could not resist!)
P8- Krishna
A god who is still worshiped to this day. The claims that Zeitgeist make about Krishna are true but do not surface until the 11 century. "Whether original or not!"
p9- Dionysus of Greece
The god of wine press according to Greek legend. After his death, he just remained dead. Zeitgeist shows no support of their claims.
p10- Mithra of Persia
Mithra was not known to the Roman world until the 2nd century A.D. How is this god a possible influence on the new testament writings considering it was already completed by this point.
It is getting late again and I have discussed everything that I believe is relevant. My next blog will be about the false claims that Jesus life is just merely a series of astrological events. Until then I just want to say propagandist pray on those who are weak. They look for those who are having hard times, maybe health issues or family issues. Hitler convinced an entire country that Jews where evil because they where weak. I am telling you, do not be weak and look at the facts. They add up to one answer, Jesus is real and he loves you. If you do not know and want to know how to get to know him give me a shout at
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Zeitgeist (Part One)
Zeitgeist is truly one thing, propaganda. Look at how it was made. The movie is made to mess with your emotions. The intro to part one shows wars, starving people, cruelty and the 9-11 attacks. Those scenes can get people angry and make them ask the question, "Why did this happen? Why are there so many tragedies?" Then Zeitgeist proposes an answer...there is no God. It kind of makes you think about it. Although Zeitgeist does not deliver their answer to me.
This movie is brilliantly made for its purpose; to get people to doubt God's existence. What makes it even better is how hard it is to prove wrong. You see Zeitgeist uses two main fields of study to disprove Christianity. The first is Egyptology and the second is Astronomy. As you my have guessed Egyptology is the study of ancient Egypt and Astronomy is the study of the stars, galaxy and space. I do not know about you but I am not an Egyptologist or an Astronomer. The information they unveil is not common knowledge. So we are left to check there sources but yet the articles they use are not found in your average library.
This is crucial to the game Zeitgeist is playing. If you cannot look it up then you are just left to believe what they are saying. The average person does not have the time and the money to get these books. Zeitgeist is banking on you getting discouraged with trying to prove their movie wrong. They know the majority of the people will not try to disprove and those who try probably cannot.
Zeitgeist is riddled with inaccuracies and half-truths. To display my argument I will be taking parts of the interactive transcript and pointing out its fallacy. If you would like you can get your own interactive transcript so you can see the sentence in context to ensure I am not taking the authors work out of context.
Paragraph 1, Sentence 5- "These realities made the sun the most adored object of all time."
The reference that Zeitgeist provides for this "fact" has nothing to do with statement. So that leads me to wonder why did they make this statement if it cannot be proven. It sets the stage for what is to come.
P1, S7:8- "The tracking of the stars allowed them to recognize and anticipate events which occurred over long periods of time, such as eclipses and full moons. They in turn catalogued celestial groups into what we know today as constellations."
This sentence leads one to believe that ancient civilizations have been tracking star patterns some 10,000 years ago (Sentence 1) because of it contextual implications. Yet there is no archaeological proof supporting Zeitgeist claim until 1300 BC.
P2, S1- "This is the cross of the Zodiac, one of the oldest conceptual images in human history."
The "cross" that Zeitgeist refers to is also known as a "Crux" or "Southern Cross" constellation. The earliest known Zodiac record dates back to 5th century BC but the "cross" of the Zodiac, "Crux" or "Southern Cross" constellations where not named until the 16th century BC. That dates the "cross" of Zodiac way past the life and death of Christ and therefore has nothing to do with his life.
P3, S2 Part 1- "The sun, with its life-giving and -saving qualities was personified as a representative of the unseen creator or god..."
The reference Zeitgeist lists to support this claim, The Book of the Sun by De Sole, does not support their claim. There is bibliographical evidence to support this claim.
P3, S2 Part 2- "...God's Sun [implication: God's Son], the light of the world, the savior of human kind."
This part of video starts to compare the sun to Jesus. The basis of this part of video is that the "myth of Jesus" arose from the sun because of astrological events the sun does throughout the year. Zeitgeist goes as far to say because ancient civilizations believed that God was the sun that eventual, through time the sentence was shorten to God's Sun. From that we get God's Son, Jesus. It is a well thought out hypothesis but there is one problem, the bible was not written in English. It was written in Hebrew and Greek. Just because the two words Sun and Son sound the same in English does not mean they sound the same in a different language. That parallel is just absurd.
I am going to conclude for the day. My next post will be solely addressing the ancient gods that Zeitgeist uses to parallel to Jesus. Until then, God bless!
Zeitgeist (Introduction)
One- I have invested a lot of time and money researching the first part. I cannot imagine doing the same for the second because, like I said, I do not care about them. It is just another American conspiracy theory.
Two- Once I am done blogging about the first part you will be able to conclude if the authors were so incorrect and dishonest about the first part that they were probably dishonest about the second.
If you read my blogs constantly you are probably thinking, "This does not seem like something the Deuce would blog about."
Your right, I had no attention on blogging about this at all. In fact no one has asked me too either. My blogs are generally generated either by personal experience, a nudging of the Holy Spirit or request. Although I know people who see this movie as truth and because they see this movie as truth then Christianity is destroyed. When I started researching Zeitgeist I researched what people thought of it. So many people take this movie at face value and have sweared of Jesus because of it. I cannot let Zeitgeist get away with that, I have to do all I can to stop it.
This is going to be series of blogs that will take some time. There might be 5 blogs, there might be 100. I honestly do not know but I will do my best to shed the light on Zeitgeist.
If you would to watch Zeitgeist you can watch at their website.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
John 17:15-17
That passage can be summed up in 5 words.
In it, Not of it.
In it, Not of it is a popular way to describe Jesus. He is in the world but he is not of it. Jesus is of God created by him. Although are we not the same? As we Christians, are we not the same?
"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1)
Summed up, if you believe in Jesus you are forgiven. Better yet, in those areas in your life where you just suck at, Jesus took the blame for them and he gave you his perfection in that area. You are made perfect in the Christ.
You see I know this world has got nothing for me. All I could ever want is with Jesus, in Heaven. While I am here on this earth, I do not want anything that is not in God's plan. I want to be in it but not of it.
I screw up but I am forgiven. Call me what you want. Call me...
Screw up...
Bible Humper...
I do not care because I know what Jesus is going to call me at my Judgment...
Faithful Servant.
The only title I care about.
Why I used to be an Atheist...
Jesus, he was just a man who could of possibly lived 2000 years ago.
God, some guy who lived in the sky... hahah. It made me laugh.
Church was a system of control that wanted to keep me from having a good time. No alcohol, no drugs, no sex, no pornography, no swearing, no fun...
The very thought of church bothered me and I honestly did not want anything to do with it. When my best friend invited me to his church I declined several times.
Eventually I began to research Christianity and Jesus the person. I found compelling evidence that led me to believe that it could be real. Then I researched the other side and other religions. Atheism just used tired and old ways to disprove God and Jesus. Evolution and "common sense" are the best they to have to display their "truth." Then when I tried to look for evidence of other religions they did not offer any. Rather they just said you have to have faith. So I began to look at Christianity as the possible truth in the world but it still was not right.
To be more exact I was not right. I had been going to church for awhile but I was not right. I mean I excepted Christ but I was not perfect. As a believer I still stole, did drugs, drank, I still sinned. It pushed me away from Jesus because I was not any different. My problem was not with Jesus but with myself. I began re-think everything again...
"How could Jesus love me?"
"I am supposed to be a Christian, why can I not do this right?"
"If I could get this junk out of my life then I could have a relationship with Christ."
"I cannot be a Christian because I do this."
Guys that "Christian logic" is wrong. Christianity is not religion but a relationship. When you become Christian, God wants you to build a relationship with Him and his son, Jesus. In this relationship He wants you to work with Him to get that crap out of your life.
I believed in Jesus for 3 years before I honestly tried having a relationship with him. If you feel like Jesus cannot except you then I pray that you ask someone for help. He can and He will you just got to ask.
Seek forgiveness not perfection.
My Daily Bread...
We hear that phrase constantly in church. It is a really churchy phrase but yet again how many times is it explained. A lot of people believe the daily bread concept is such a Christianity 101 thing there is not much need to explain it. You do not need to go into such depth on it because you should know what it means. It is something that is explained to you in Sunday School when your a kid. How do you not know what it is?
Well if you are like me you did not grow up in a church. You went to maybe two Sunday school classes with your friend, just because you slept over his house and there mom is very religious. So what is the daily bread concept?
When Moses lead Israel out of Egypt, God provided them with Daily Bread. The bread would rain down from the sky and the Israelites where to gather what they needed for the day. They could only gather what was needed, any extra bread would rot before the next the day. The Israelites had to rely on God to provide for them daily.
Today, as Christians, we are supposed to rely on God to provide for us. We are supposed to rely that God will provide us with food, shelter, love, grace, everything and anything we need. Now I am not saying that we are supposed to just sit around and let God do everything. You are not supposed to sit in your house and not work because God is going to provide for you or you do not have to go grocery shopping because God is going to give you food. Rather God allows you to get groceries because he enables you to work. When things are tough just take in that God will provide whatever you need to get through the day.
I live a very discouraging life. It is an understatement to say that my family does not understand my choice to go into ministry. I am constantly under going a barrage of insults by the Devil.
"You cannot make a difference."
"God does not even love you."
"You are worthless."
"How can you help other people when you cannot help yourself."
Just to name a few. What I crave most from God is just to be able to work with people who needs his love and if some way I am able to bring them closer to him, well it is just wonderful. He gives me such great opportunities and this is what keeps me going.
Events like when...
Thomas gave his life to Christ...
Amber gave her life to Christ...
Blaine gave his life to Christ...
Caleb gave his life to Christ...
Mouse broke her walnut...
Amber decided to go into ministry...
Alex got baptized again...
Seth giving his testimony at last years youth retreat...
an unnamed youth stopped cutting...
an another unnamed youth stopped smoking...
anytime we have Communion and a youth had gone up for seconds...
Keeks hugging the cross...
Bree just so concentrated on worship, you could not interrupt he if you wanted too...
and so many more just like these sustain my heart. They are my daily bread that keeps me going through the day. Said events help me remember what God has called me to do and do not let me give up on my mission. So thank you guys for allowing me to be apart of it.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I Will Take the Usual
The whole idea behind sharing prayer request, in my mind, is first to have everyone hear what is going on in each others lives. Second, God promises us that where ever a group of two or more are gathered are voices will be heard. Third, when you go home and have your own prayer time, you should try to keep those prayer request in mind.
In those two groups I pray for the same things every darn week. It has gotten to the point that I just ask for the usual and side dish of whatever else is going on in my life.
The usual is...
Help for a married couple who is having trouble having a baby...
All my friends (two by name) who do not know Christ...
DENNYS...Everything about it. That I can be a better witness to the people there. That it could be more enjoyable or at least bearable. That I could have more patients there...
Two of my friends who are Christians but are struggling with depression...
and that I could build a stronger and more passionate relationship with Jesus.
I know some of you are going to read this and realize that you are one of people I am praying for week after week. You might say, "Why has it not happened yet? Why do you have to pray week after week after week?"
I honestly do not know but I can speculate. God is in the driver seat and he has a plan for everyone and everything. It might not be in his time for something to happen yet or it could not be in his plan at all. The prayer request might just be in "my plan" or "your plan" but not in HIS PLAN. Although if you seek him with all your heart he will never leave you in need.
If you want to be apart of the usual just let me know.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
How do I know?
I know so many people who "know" that Jesus was just a man who lived around the first century. I know so many people who "know" that Jesus did not even exist. I know so many people who “know” that there is no God. Yet I know that Jesus Christ was and is God. Although how do I know?
Honestly I know Jesus is real through many reasons. First and foremost he is my best friend and I have a relationship with him. Yes, I did just say that. Let there be no mistake, I believe in Jesus and he is my best friend and I talk to him through prayer.
Let me ask the questions for you… “Does he talk back?”
If you are asking if I ever heard the audible voice of God, then no I have not. Although I felt his presence, his Holy Spirit consume and fill me and if you ever experience that, there is no denying God.
“But Zaq, that is just what you believe and if he is your “best friend” why doesn’t he talk back? I mean the bible is filled with examples of God talking directly to his people.”
He does not need too for most people. You see God has given most of the advice we could ever need in his word, the bible. I know it sounds like a stock Christian answer but it is true.
“Zaq…God cannot possible give you all of the worlds wisdom in one book. Let’s say you are faced with a tough decision, like you are given a job offer. How do you know what God wants you to do?”
Well I would pray about. I would ask God to guide me in what to do, give me sign or just help me this one. Typically if God does not want me to do something, I will have a bad feeling about it or there will be a series of bad events leading to whatever. When God does want me to pursue something I usually get filled with the Holy Spirit. For example when I made the decision to become a minister I just flat out asked God, “Do you want me to work for you, to be a minister?” I was completely and totally consumed by the Holy Spirit. I cannot remember a time where I was more filled other than when I said yes to Jesus.
“Well that is all well and good but what about science?”
What about science? When you can scientifically prove the existence of someone 2000 years ago let me know! You cannot, this is not a matter of science. It is history and in history we have to rely on the records of that current time.
“Exactly! We can’t rely on the so called Gospels because they were written by the hand of man!”
In that case nothing is real. All of history is a fabrication because it was written by the hand of man. In fact most of what we know of ancient history was written by men who did not even live in the same time period of said events. For example, nearly everything we know about Alexander the Great was written by Plutarch some 400 years after the death of Alexander the Great. Although the New Testament was written by people who either knew Jesus or by people who knew people who knew Jesus.
“That is true but the writers of the New Testament were friends of Jesus, like you said and could have had an objective.”
Well first off, Paul who wrote almost half of the New Testament was someone who original hated what Christ stood for. He was one of the most feared persecutors of early Christians because he was so ruthless. Paul (then Saul) killed many Christians for their beliefs. As a non-believer I can see where you could say the disciples would have had an objective but have looked at how they died? All of the disciples, excluding John who was exiled from Rome, were murdered at the hands of Roman Officials because they would not renounce their faith. If someone was going to kill me and I knew that what they were going to kill me over was not true, I would have told them the truth. Yet what makes this even more amazing is the fact that they were all murdered separately, miles away from each other. One of them could have easily said, “Yo, it is all fake…” and their life would have been spared. The other disciples would not have found out and the one who came “true” could have been long gone. When the other disciples would have found out that one could have had a new life, in a new country. Although this did not happen, they all died because they believed Jesus was God!
“Hmmmmm, that is pretty impressive but ______________”
You fill in the blank. This blog was not made to answer all your questions but to inspire more. If you have any questions about Jesus or God, ask me. If you do not want to leave a comment because you do not want other people to see what you are saying, e-mail me. My e-mail is I will do my best to answer your questions and if I cannot I will find someone who can. If your question is how do I become a Christian?
All you have to do is say…
Lord Jesus, I know that you are God and you died for my sins on the cross. I may be a sinner but today I invite you into my life to make me new.
If you said that with true and honest heart give me a shout because I would like to welcome you to my family.